Business Name
Primary Contact
First Name
Last Name
Mailing Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Your Space
Please select a space and corresponding vendor fee.
12x10 Feet: $315 (+$15 Processing Fee if paying by credit card)
24x10 Feet: $600 (+ $15 Processing Fee if paying by credit card)
36x10 Feet: $875 (+$25 Processing Fee if paying by credit card)
12x10 Feet - Daily Vendor: $55/day (+$2 Processing Fee if paying by credit card)
12x10 Feet - Non-profit Daily Vendor: $15/day
What You Sell
Please list all the items you intend to sell at the Ridgway Farmers Market.
Do you require electricity
Please note this is available on a limited basis. There is a $65 seasonal electricity fee + $2 processing fee if paying by credit card.
Business Facebook Page
Business Instagram Page
Description of Business
Please provide a brief 1-2 paragraph description of your business that can be used for marketing and promotional purposes.
Sales Tax ID Number
Indemnification Agreement
The undersigned also agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Ridgway Farmers Market of Ridgway, Colorado, its officials, officers, agents and employees, from and against all liability, claims, and demands on account of injury, loss, or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which may arise out of or resulting from the vendor’s actions or omissions in connection with the permitted use. The undersigned further accepts all responsibility for clean-up and for repair of any damage to the public property, plaza(s) and surrounding area, which may occur during their use of the property. Please acknowledge by clicking box at time of application.
Proof of Liability Insurance
All vendors are required to carry product liability insurance and shall be required to provide to the market manager evidence of such coverage for the term of the 2025 market dates. Ridgway Farmers Market will be carrying general liability insurance for the Market in Hartwell Park; however, in the event any action or inaction of a vendor or a vendors agent or employee, which results in a claim under the Ridgway Farmers Market insurance, the vendor shall be required to pay the market's deductible for any such claim in addition to any other legal remedy available to market. I will include proof of liability insurance with my application. Minimum $1,000,000 coverage, listing Ridgway Farmers Market as additional insured.
Market Rules
I acknowledge I have read and will abide by the Ridgway Farmers Market's Market Rules for 2025 season.